January 15 is the last day of open enrollment for private health insurance in the Oregon health insurance marketplace. Open Enrollment is the only time anyone who does not have insurance from a job or a public program like the Oregon Health Plan or Medicare can enroll for health coverage through OregonHealthCare.govoften with financial assistance.
Since open enrollment began on November 1, 2022, more than 138,000 people have signed up for health insurance for 2023. More than 80% of Oregonians who applied for financial assistance were deemed eligible. These savings reduce the monthly premium for having health insurance. Additional financial assistance, called cost-share discounts, is available to thousands of Oregonians on out-of-pocket Silver-level plans.
“As the cost of living skyrockets, health insurance still remains accessible to many through financial assistance through the marketplace,” said Chiqui Flowers, Oregon Health Insurance Market Director. “Health insurance is essential to protecting both your health and your financial future, making it one of the most valuable purchases you will make.”
Sorting through health insurance options can be confusing, but there are tools to make the process easier:
- The website offers a quick and easy to use window shopping tool (https://orhim.info/boutique) where users can preview the plans and savings available to them. The tool also allows users to see which plans cover their prescription drugs and are networked with their primary care physician or preferred hospitals.
- A new tool (https://orhim.info/ESItool) can help you determine if employment-based coverage is considered affordable.
- Free local help can be found from health insurance experts statewide at govt/GetHelp.
Conclusion: We encourage all Oregonians who do not currently have health insurance to start with OregonHealthCare.gov. There, they can see if the health insurance offered by a job is considered affordable, preview plans and savings, and find an expert to guide them through the process.
Source: Oregon Health Authority