“My sister used to work nights, so I used to watch her kids during the day, but now I work nights and she works days, so she watches my kids,” Josey explained.
Either way, there aren’t many adults who get a full night’s sleep in either household.
“My mom had six kids and now they all have kids, so when we get together we have 23 grandkids,” Josey said with a laugh. “It can get quite hectic.”
Add to that the fact that, as with many crucial jobs, the pay for home health aides isn’t very high and vacation time can be a little tight.
“I can take care of my kids, and I am, but there’s not much for extras,” she said.
“My first paycheck goes to bills, and part of the second check. Then the rest goes to things like clothes, shoes, and food,” she said.
Luckily, with three boys, a lot of clothes can be passed down, but despite the fact that her daughter likes to dress girlishly, she also likes to play football with her brothers, so “things get messy pretty quick.”
Last Christmas, Josey used free gifts from a local church to supplement the few gifts she could buy for her children.
“I was able to get things from
With the help of our readers, Josey’s four children can have an even better Christmas this year.
Holiday Operation
Operation Holiday began in 1991 at the Mercury in
Now in its 32nd year, the program has served thousands of families across
More … than
This year, Operation Holiday has partnered with 22 agencies in the tri-county area. Agencies referred 144 families with 375 children for gifts and food and an additional 34 families for food. The eight families most affected by the explosion are added to these figures.
There are no overhead costs with Operation Holiday and all funds remain local. Funds are collected and audited in a non-profit foundation account managed by the staff of
Gift cards for area grocery stores are provided to each family for food so they can buy the fixings for a holiday dinner as well as staples for the pantry.
Gift cards for each child in the program aged 16 or under are purchased through Boscov’s and distributed in partnership with referring agencies so families can purchase the gifts of their choice.
Opération Vacances does not accept families who have not been referred by an agency.
Operation Holiday is funded solely by reader contributions. All contributions are tax deductible.
How to make a donation
Online donations are accepted through a secure portal in partnership with TriCounty Community Network. Visit https://tcnetwork.org/ and click on the link for Operation Holiday.
Contributions can be mailed with checks payable to Operation Holiday to PO Box 1181,
The names of all contributors are published in participating newspapers as donations are received. Please note if a contribution should be designated as anonymous or given in tribute or in memory of someone.