3 rue Hazel – Google Street View
Brian Onyechefule and Lindsay Onyechefule purchased the property at 3 Hazel Street, Worcester, from Allan G Waigera and Jane Gichuki on December 28, 2022, for $525,000, which represents a price per square foot of $248. The property comprises three bedrooms, three bathrooms and a basement/basement. It is located on an 8,000 square foot lot.
Other houses that have recently changed hands nearby:
- In February 2022, a 1,428 square foot home on Middlesex Avenue in Worcester sold for $330,000, a price per square foot of $231.
- A 1,533 square foot home at 51 Commonwealth Avenue in Worcester sold in January 2022 for $390,000, a price per square foot of $254.
- On Commonwealth Avenue, Worcester, in January 2022, a 1,533 square foot house sold for $390,000, a price per square foot of $254.
Real Estate Wire is a service provided by United Robots, which uses machine learning to generate analysis of data from Propmix, a national real estate data aggregator.